Peach Fuzz

Dear Dorigen,

Pantone recently announced their color of the year: PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz. It’s not simply Peach, not Warm Blush, not 1980’s Shell, not even Tawny Sunset. It’s Peach_Fuzz. That load-bearing space between Peach and Fuzz does nothing to make me forget KMD’s “Peachfuzz.”

To me, Peachfuzz (or, I guess, Peach Fuzz) can only ever be the insult used for teasing someone who can’t yet grow in their hair. Period.

The thing is, this Pantone color, this particular shade of peach, is pretty.

It deserves a name that doesn’t conjure up playground ribbing. If you absolutely can’t just call a color of the year by its singular name, Peach, then I suggest:

#1: PANTONE 13-1023 Cherie Wins Miss Adorable Dress

#2: PANTONE 13-1023 Peaches N Cream Barbie

#3: PANTONE 13-1023 Caboodles Classic

#4: PANTONE 13-1023 Soft Sweet Potato

I guess I just prefer the name of a color to conjure up thoughts of Mr. Andy Gibb pairing a sequin blazer with red leather pants, while crowning the clear winner of Miss Adorable. Margaux’s “I’m strictly a female female” be damned.

What do you think? Will you wear Peach Fuzz this year? If you do and if you feel compelled to rub your chin, think of Cherie winning Miss Adorable in that fabulous dress and your posture may become regal.



P.S. I’m sorry I stole your clogs that one time. I put them back.

P.P.S. I’ve been wearing a lot of green lately.

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3 thoughts on “Peach Fuzz

  1. Jane says:

    Yet, “fuzz” introduces a tactile dimension to meer “peach!”. Perhaps we are all entering an expanded era of greater synesthesia.

  2. Anne Green says:

    Peach Fuzz drink (schnapps/vodka) too!

  3. Peggy says:

    For me, Peach Fuzz evokes memories of my awkward son morphing into a manchild, full of promise, but still so far from actualization, his chin and cheeks outwardly telling the world to watch for the magic that was yet to come. 

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