Monthly Archives: September 2015

Polanski is a fan of HE-MAN

Dear Dorigen,

We have an exclusive from another family member – my beloved husband, Pete, discovered a connection while rewatching a favorite film of his youth: 1987’s Masters of the Universe. I give you his findings…

Friends and family,

During our screening of the 1987 tour de force Masters of the Universe; the Dolph Lundgren vehicle, and the one that you mistakenly remember as having co-starred Dabney Coleman, but then when you realize upon re-watching that it was actually this guy,

Hi, I'm Jon Cypher.

Hi, I’m Jon Cypher.

and also you are certain that they recycled a character from Legend…

Billy Barty as Screwball from Legend

Billy Barty as Screwball from Legend

…and you were right,

Billy Barty as Gwildor from Masters of the Universe

Billy Barty as Gwildor from Masters of the Universe

I made a fantastic discovery. Watch these two videos for details. I probably spent way too much time for relatively small payoff, but hopefully you find it as funny as I did.